Flying solo and dribbling – it’s all progress.

Having had a week flying Mum-less (well she does still come visit/do things during day) we’ve found a new routine in this house and it requires me to get moving – early! 😱
It is a shock to my system but a welcome one.. I really needed to start doing more and feeling like I am being productive!  It can get incredibly boring when you find yourself spending too much time with ‘yourself’… in your mind just chatting.  Too much solitude and quiet does not work for me at all.

I have actually loved setting my alarm and waking the girls up, cooking breakfast and sitting in the beautiful early morning sunshine on the verandah with them while they eat. Silently feeling the guilt of returning to my English breakfast tea – cause goddamn I LOVE IT! I’m not sure if I’ll admit this to the  iridologist yet (on a side note all is not lost…I am still drinking all of his juices and my herbal brew and I generally feel better!).

So this week the stakes have been high in the ‘get ready and make the bus’ category. Lilli and Stella have impressed me so much – they have been so organised!  I am so proud of them – they race off (well not too racy because I’m watching) in Lilli’s paddock basher ‘Franklin the Festiva’ – they park down at our grid to catch the bus by 7:30am. 

It is funny listening to Lilli bellow out from one end of the house to Stella, ‘You have 3 minutes Stella!! In 3 minutes you must be in the car. I am leaving at 7:25am with or without you’. 

Ha. She’s a chip off the old block!  

We have had a few lunches left behind in the morning rush to get to the car by 7:25am but nothing that we haven’t been able to manage.

I then count down until 4pm for the sound of the bus coming up the road and for the moment I see the little gold buzz box start up ❤️.. I love watching them zoom up over the hill! The dog and I wagging our tails in joy!

The downside of my return to partial domestic goddess (*cough* *cough*) is that I am so totally and utterly shagged by the end of the day I almost can’t function! We eat dinner and I need to go to bed. I am not used to using all of this energy.. I even dribble! 😳

My physiotherapist yesterday thinks this is all great news.. even the dribbling.  He is so happy with my progress I don’t have to see him for three weeks – my muscle is returning quickly and I am feeling stronger each day.  However he did warn me that following the ‘Festival Of Rosie’ this week (I turned 42yrs old) – which involved more excessive eating and drinking than usual – that things may not go back where they were!! Apparently ‘at my age’ that’s what happens…what the?! No way… I’m going to do more crunches! 😜 This body can do anything.

Actually, all this talk of progress had me reflecting on how far my body has come in the past 20wks. Sure it is all about my leg however my entire body feels like it has been ravaged by this process). 

There is no doubt the body is bloody amazing.

Look how much the frame has moved and my lower leg is probably the skinniest thing I have on my entire body! My scars are near invisible and the deep bruising is finally almost gone from my thigh/hip.

I keep likening my memory of events, particularly some of my worse days, to that of childbirth. At the time you don’t think you’ll survive (or ever do it again for that matter) but somehow you make it through and time seems to quickly heal painful memories.  Thank the lord.

I will never entirely forget those very worst of days. I will carry them with me as a reminder that I can survive anything and as a prompt as I support others through difficult times. 

So it seems almost surreal that this week I managed to hit the beach! 

While I am not allowed to swim in the ocean (primarily because my frame would fill up with sand but seriously I can’t imagine what I would do if I got caught in a rip with a cage on my leg 😱 – a lot of squealing and flapping I would imagine.. 🐳)

I did however manage to sit in the sand and soak up the gorgeous sunshine..  

OH AND we had WINE! On the beach in the middle of the day… I mean life could not get much better than that… this is my beautiful friend Lori and I 😍😍❤️

Next week I head back to see Ivan (Dr Astori) after a four week hiatus. I am excited.  I am hoping this theme of progress carries forward.  All fingers are crossed for lots of bone growth.

Until the next step 👣

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