Clicks and Whirs

Ah the absolute guilty pleasure of a long hot shower (albeit mid-afternoon and whilst sitting on a shower seat as I chant ‘this is not forever, thing is not forever’).. today was the first shower I’ve managed to have without pain levels hitting ten halfway through and making desperate pleas for help to get out! It is very humbling at 41 to have Mark or Mum race to my rescue and extract my slippery self as quickly and painlessly as possible from a shower seat!

So it was really nice to seize a moment of total comfort in the shower. These moments have been far and few between the last couple of afternoons. Not unexpected considering my leg has been ‘clicked’ and ‘whirred’ to the point it is now 4.5mm longer than it was on Wednesday! Crazy huh! 

Grabbed a photo as I don’t really have a full length before and after..and this gives a better perspective of the device’s size!

Straight out of the shower full length shot! Hooning around the house in short bursts on my crutches now!

I also set about trying to get on film each device in operation today… 


I have a spreadsheet that lets me know which strut to twist (1-6) and at what time of the day on the Ilizarov device. This is mum twisting one of them (usually there is 2-4 twisted each session)… It is still a bit nerve racking for the operator. 



The Precise Nail is different. Driven by a pre-programmed magnet it is positioned on the magnet in my femur (sorry for this shot 🙈) and it is bloody noisy for two minutes three times a day and then it’s done!! 


So effectively that’s my day right there.. it evaporates amongst all of these clicks and whirs.
Although tonight hasn’t evaporated at all!! It has been a tough one. 

Not for me so much, but mostly for my family. I do not underestimate how emotional it is for everyone watching me go through this..

I feel the love of every individual desperately trying to help when the pain’s a bit much, picking up some slack because I physically can’t be where I have always been and passing the tissues cause I can’t even reach those f@ckers!

So tonight I’ve wiped away the tears and reminded myself I haven’t chosen the easy path but it is the right path.

All we can do is take one step at a time and be grateful that each day is a new one.  ❤️

16 thoughts on “Clicks and Whirs

  1. Kathrine

    Not an easy path, but you can do this Rosie!
    You have a wonderful support team and many followers barracking hard for you.
    You are in our prayers.
    Thanks for sharing your story with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mary Paschko

    You were such an incredible person before you started this – how amazing you will be at the end of this is indescribable. Let those around you share your pain – you would do no less for them – and they too will become stronger more awesome people. And on the technical side of this – how amazing that this can be done – painful – but amazing! Take care and keep taking those steps and keep sharing…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my! Never were you very patient once you’d set your mind on something Rosie. Lord! I can’t believe the leaps and bounds (scuse the pun) you’ve achieved in a few days. Pure pig headedness WILL get you through this. I just can see you in a much shorter time than predicted, walking almost under your own steam. How’s your back holding up. BIG gentle hug.

    Liked by 1 person

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